1994 | Kentucky Governor appoints Hemp Task Force
1994 | Kentucky farmers advocate to end the federal ban on hemp
1990 | Gatewood Galbraith advocates for hemp in Kentucky
1985 | "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer sparks hemp movement
1970 | Controlled Substances Act Bans U.S. hemp production
1952 | Last hemp factory operating in Kentucky closes
1951 | UK professor publishes "A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky"
1950 | Filson Club Publishes Article About An Early Hemp Manufacturer
1949 | Filson Club Publishes Article on Kentucky Hemp Production For Naval Use
1943 | USDA asks Kentucky 4-H clubs to grow hemp for war
1942 | War demands more hemp
1942 | Government Launches "Hemp For Victory" Campaign
1937 | Marijuana Tax Act requires license and high tax on hemp
1914 | Hemp Production Increases During World War I
1900 | James Lane Allen Publishes "The Reign of Law: A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields"
1852 | New hemp varieties come to Kentucky
1850 | Kentucky hemp production hits peak
1845 | Kentucky manufacturers urge farmers to meet naval standards
1834 | Early survival of Transylvania University attributed to hemp wealth
1808 | Henry Clay: The hemp farmer, manufacturer, and politician