From the Kentucky Fiber Hemp Conference in Lexington on May 31st, the Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative (KHGCA) members and Woody Harrelson drove to Beattyville, Kentucky. On June 1, Harrelson planted four hemp seeds in front of national media in an effort to shine light on unjustified prohibition.
Joe Hickey, Executive Director of the KHGCA, had the honor of calling the sheriff (who had been told to expect one) and shortly after Woody, in his hemp shirt, hemp pants and 100% Kentucky Hemp cap, was arrested.
He was released that same day after posting bond. He told media, " I planted industrial hemp and got arrested because someone must lightlight this difference, and in order to truly know the law one must test the law. I think it is time for all of us to make a stand."

Click the links below to learn more about the Harrelson and Cockrel trials:
Isaacs, B. (1997, January 10). HARRELSON: HEMP'S CAPPED CRUSADER. Retrieved December 3, 2015, from http://www.oocities.org/hollywood/boulevard/2200/articles/lfpremiere.html
Robinson, R. (1997). 23: The People vs. Woody Harrelson. In The hemp manifesto: 101 Ways That Hemp Can Save Our World. Rochester, Vt.: Park Street Press.
Image Source: Woody meets the press after a pre-trial hearing (hightimes.com).